Monday, November 12, 2012

Transfers Oct. 15th, 2102

Well I had a good week and it was a surprise to read about what has been going on with you guys at home. I can`t believe Evan broke his arm hahaha, freaking it was just a matter of time no? I hope he`s doing okay tell him I`m sorry and hope he feels better. Did he get a cast or just a splint for his arm? Joel HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! how`d your birthday turn out? Did you get to do anything cool because of halloween and your birthday. I wish I could do something more for you dude but I`m kind of far away haha. I`m glad no one died fourwheeling in Moab there`s always some rad thing that happens on those fourwheeling trips like when Dad got thrown from his fourwheeler or when Bart got burned. Tell Lindsey congradulations for her baby BOY! Haha that`s funny, i`m sure that was a surprise.

I had a good week pretty normal and also kind of hectic as usual. We`ve been working really hard with a couple of people in our area, with Candy she`s a little girl from an incative family in our ward she just hasn`t gotten baptized yet. We baptized her brother a couple of weeks ago and now she`s going to get baptized. We`re pretty excited for her and we`re hoping to get permission from the mom today in our appointment. We`re also working with this awesome guy named Elvis, we contacted him about a week and half ago and he lives alone, works welding, and is super interested in our message. We had taught him for the first time a week and half ago and he was really interested, and my companion and I taught him on Saturday night about the Restoration. It was a spiritual lesson, I felt the spirit testifying that what we were teaching him is true. I could really see that he was learning by the spirit, we left him a book of mormon and we also invited him to be baptized at the end of this month. I was a little hesitent to invited him to be baptized because he hadn`t gone to church yet but he said that he would try and be here in Chiclayo so that he could get baptized. He works all the time and sometimes he has to travel out of Chiclayo, keep Elvis in your prayers!! 

So my companion is getting changed, that was kind of a bummer. We thought that he was going to finish his mission with me but this was his 5th change here in the area and so it was time for him to be transfered. I`m a little nervous for this next change and I`m sure it`s going to be kind of tough but it`ll help me to learn and grow. It`s been a lot different being worried about 18 missionaries in the zone and for all their areas haha, but it`s made me feel a lot more love for the missionaries and made me be more humble. I`m sure that everything will turn out well this change but some prayers directed my way wouldn`t hurt :) because it i`ll be needed. But I guess that is what God wants that we be dependent of his help, and we turn to him always for guidance in our lives. If we don`t have challenges that help us to learn, grow and depend on God more then we won`t make progress or reach the potencial that God hopes for everyone of his children. It`s not that i`m super nervous about this change but I want to do a good job and not screw up haha. 

Today was pretty cool because the missionaries that are going home this change from Cajamarca slept in our apartment last night and so I got to talk to one of my old companions that I had when I was in Cajamarca Elder Sandoval. It was so weird to see him heading to his house. Right now I`m with my companion still Elder Cerrutti until tomorrow when we have transfer meeting and they tell us who our companions are. I`m with my companion and another north american because his companion left home today thats why there`s three elders in the picture that I sent. Sorry that I don`t send very many pictures I was going to send more but I fogot to ask for the memory card that our pensionista has. Thanks for all the letters that you send my way, it helps me out a lot to get a letter of support and encouragment from you guys! As for that package that you were thinking about sending me, you could send me candy like Sour Punch Straws and other candy that I can`t find here in PerĂº :) haha. 

Thanks for letting me know what`s going on at home, I hope everything is going well with you guys. I`ll talk to you next week! :) 

-Elder Connelly

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